Dialog 2.5 inches from the left margin of the page (1.5 inches from the margin). What’s the difference between Final Draft, Montage, Slugline, and WaveLab Compare Final Draft vs.Capitalized transitions (props, sounds, and sometimes important camera movements).Locations also aid the producer in identifying the script’s budget. Inside or outside, day or night, or what room in what building. The speaker’s name in the dialog (all caps) is 3.7 inches from the left side of the page (2.2 from the margin) WHAT IS A SLUGLINE Simply put, a slugline (or slug line) is a scene heading to help orient the reader quickly as to where that action takes place.The agent in parentheses (wrinkled) is 3.1 inches from the left margin of the page (1.6 from the margin).This does not include the page number and the space after it Approximately 55 lines per page regardless of paper size.
#Montage slugline series
Often the best choice is to not even say MONTAGE and just let it be a series of short scenes just a slugline and a sentence or two of description.

While the term slugline can be used interchangeably with scene heading, it more often refers to an intermediary slugline, which is used to break up and re-focus a longer scene, or to point out an important detail or new element. 12-point font is easily readable and also follow “ one page per minute of screen time rule“. A slug or slugline (or slug line) is an uppercase line of text with a blank line above and below it.